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Dataset { Float32 jx[jx = 193]; Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 sigma[kz = 23]; Float32 ptop; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 xlon[iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } xlon; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 xlat[iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } xlat; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 mask[iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } mask; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 topo[iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } topo; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 ps[time = 112][iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 time[time = 112]; Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } ps; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 pr[time = 112][iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 time[time = 112]; Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } pr; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 ts[time = 112][iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 time[time = 112]; Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } ts; Grid { ARRAY: Float32 mrso[time = 112][iy = 125][jx = 193]; MAPS: Float32 time[time = 112]; Float32 iy[iy = 125]; Float32 jx[jx = 193]; } mrso; Float32 ua[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 va[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 ta[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 omega[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 qas[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 clw[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 tke[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 kth[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 kzm[time = 112][kz = 23][iy = 125][jx = 193]; Float32 time[time = 112]; Float32 time_bnds[time = 112][time_bounds = 2]; String rcm_map; } ein15output/;