African Center of Meteorological Application for Development Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  B   --
         ~WRL0603.tmp 612.8 Kbytes 2022-11-03T09:39:40Z
         Folder  resources/   --
         Folder  Report/   --
         Folder  Questionnaires/   --
         Folder  Pictures/   --
         ECCAS_NMHS use of ECCAS-RCC Products and 12.76 Kbytes 2022-11-27T15:45:20Z
         ECCAS_NMHS use of ECCAS-RCC Products and Services - Google Forms.pdf 9.078 Mbytes 2022-11-27T15:46:53Z

TDS Installation - SGBD machine at ACMAD see Info
THREDDS Data Server [Version 4.3.19 - 20131008.1358] Documentation