African Center of Meteorological Application for Development Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  audit2020   --
         ~$ponsesacmadauxdernierrapportformA3isacip.doc 162.0 bytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         ~$Hauditpreparationstepsr.docx 162.0 bytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         reponsesacmadauxdernierrapportformA3isacip.doc 48.12 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         Folder  rapportsnatandamay2022/   --
         provisioninIPSAS.docx 26.60 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         exe budg 2021 et budget 2022 VF4DV.xls 1.397 Mbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:09Z
         Folder  docfinaux/   --
         bilan 2020 v201221.xls 194.5 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         balance générale 2020apresausit2020.xls 60.41 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         TERMES DE RÉFÉRENCE POUR L'AUDIT ISACIP+ Obs Banque.docx 43.81 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         TERMES DE RÉFÉRENCE POUR L'AUDIT ACMAD2020.docx 43.81 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         SUIVI DES RECOMMANDATIONS DES AUDITSen 2021 traiter en cours.xls 89.08 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         SUIVI DES RECOMMANDATIONS DES AUDITS traiter en cours(1).xls 86.52 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         Rocmmendationcontroleinterne2020excel.xls 86.52 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         Rapport selection cabinet audit ACMAD 2020adkgevidencezeinabou.doc 161.2 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         NOTE AUX ETATS FINANCIERS2021DV.docx 74.46 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         GRHauditpreparationstepsr.docx 12.78 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:10Z
         Demande de Propositions sélection 1 Cabinet pour Audit 2021_ACMAD.pdf 12.93 Mbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:09Z
         DP_Audit2020ACMAD.docx 321.3 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:09Z
         DPAudit2020oct2021.doc 163.8 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:08Z
         DP Audit 2021(1)(1).doc 176.1 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:04Z
         Comments on the internal control report.docx 17.24 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:03Z
         COMPTE DE R2SULTAT 2021V2.xls 29.69 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:03Z
         COMPTE DE R2SULTAT 2021.xls 29.69 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:03Z
         BILAN 2021 DV2.xls 37.88 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         BILAN 2021 DV.xls 37.37 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         BALANCE GENERALE 2021V2.xls 57.85 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         BALANCE GENERALE 2021.xls 57.85 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         Avis_ Manifestation_Recrutement_Audit_ ISACIP + Obs Banque 2015-17.doc 31.23 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         ACMADrecommendationscontroleinterne 2020 V0-1.pdf 593.8 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         ACMAD-Notes Annexes V1 (2)etatsifrs2020.docx 234.0 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         ACMAD- Rapport auditeur 2020 - v0 doc.pdf 213.8 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         ACMAD RCI 2020 V0.pdf 593.8 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z
         ACMAD Annexe rapport auditeur exercice 2020 docx.pdf 105.6 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:54:02Z

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