African Center of Meteorological Application for Development Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  arcacmadcollaboration   --
         workplanacmadarcs.pdf 176.6 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:59Z
         workplanacmad&arc.docx 53.33 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:59Z
         highlevelguidancewigos.docx 53.32 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:59Z
         assessment sajadulsep2021n.docx 53.32 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:58Z
         CLIMTAG_UserGuide_v31.f8df9b99.pdf 1.735 Mbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:59Z
         Assessing the Skill and Reliability of Seasonal Forecast_ACMADmwrpaper.pdf 2.809 Mbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:59Z
         ARC-ACMAD budget-9.xlsx 26.24 Kbytes 2022-06-20T07:53:58Z

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