African Center of Meteorological Application for Development Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  ClimSA   --
         ~$imsaquestionaireissalele2.docx 162.0 bytes 2022-06-26T00:51:36Z
         ~$aft climsaContract(ACMADNov 062020.docx 162.0 bytes 2022-06-26T00:51:35Z
         grantsignedclimsaacmad.pdf 22.85 Mbytes 2022-06-26T00:49:07Z
         climsaquestionareissalele1.docx 74.06 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:46:01Z
         climsaquestionaireissalele2.docx 78.35 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:45:59Z
         callforproposalsEO-AFRICA-RD-Project-Call-1.pdf 243.6 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:45:31Z
         Oû placer le produit probability of Exceedance.docx 13.61 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:51:33Z
         MISVAACMAD_Technical_notes_for_synoptic_forecast_20210906.pdf 18.23 Mbytes 2022-06-26T00:51:31Z
         IntraACP AAP4 ActionDocument Climate post CIS EEAS comment NO TC.pdf 845.9 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:49:15Z
         FIRST PROGRAMME STEERING COMMITTEE MEETING OF EN010621 goodprogofmeeting.pdf 616.1 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:46:19Z
         EO-AFRICA-RD-Project-Call-1.pdf 243.6 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:46:11Z
         Draft climsaContract(ACMADNov 062020.docx 281.5 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:46:06Z
         ClimSAAUAction Document EN.pdf 1.344 Mbytes 2022-06-26T00:45:57Z
         ClimSA implementation status overview to PSC meeting.pdf 825.8 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:45:41Z
         ClimSA Rules and Procedures for PSC Meeing.pdf 522.2 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:45:46Z
         Calls for proposals 2022goodexample.docx 74.06 Kbytes 2022-06-26T00:45:33Z

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