African Center of Meteorological Application for Development Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  Responses   --
         RCC Questionnaire on Institutional, Infrastructural and Technical capacities (Responses).xlsx 12.95 Kbytes 2022-09-13T14:55:26Z
         ECCAS and AGRIHYMET_RCC Questionnaire on Institutional, Infrastructural and Technical capacities (Responses).xlsx 21.39 Kbytes 2022-09-28T14:54:25Z
         Assessment of RCC Agrhymet responses.docx 38.06 Kbytes 2022-09-14T10:41:28Z
         AGRIHYMET_Operational Assessment of RCCs for WMO_ClimSA (Responses).xlsx 15.73 Kbytes 2022-09-27T17:59:46Z

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