African Center of Meteorological Application for Development Catalog

Dataset Size Last Modified
     Folder  WaterUIP_HandOver   --
         UIPWaterMailing List.txt 1.8 Kbytes 2024-06-11T10:23:47Z
         Travaux de groupe WATER.xlsx 23.67 Kbytes 2024-06-11T09:59:36Z
         Programme - WMO and ACMAD Engagement Forum With RA1 Hydrological Advisers.pdf 116.3 Kbytes 2022-12-09T14:24:38Z
         Folder  Presentations/   --
         PROCEEDINGS_ACMAD Engagement with Hydrological Advisers from Africa_.pdf 1.838 Mbytes 2023-03-10T14:34:37Z
         NDJAMENA WUIP.txt 357.0 bytes 2023-04-24T16:13:20Z
         Hydrological focal points network_Central Africa.docx 18.19 Kbytes 2023-06-06T17:43:31Z
         FINALIZING RA I WORK PLAN MATRIX AND IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP_Template.docx 21.70 Kbytes 2023-09-18T14:31:38Z
         ECCAS_Water UIP.pdf 674.7 Kbytes 2024-06-11T10:51:48Z
         ECCAS_Water UIP.docx 2.272 Mbytes 2024-06-11T10:51:55Z
         Continental UIP Workshop Programme_18072022.doc 108.0 Kbytes 2022-07-19T07:19:26Z
         Cont_Water UIP.pdf 665.4 Kbytes 2024-06-11T10:46:27Z

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